What is solar lighting and how does it work?
Solar lighting is created by turning sunlight into energy. Energy is created as sunlight "strikes" a solar collector (semiconductors made up of silicon crystal) and turns energy into an electrical current. The current then sends this energy to a power supply (rechargeable batteries) which in turn energizes a lamp source (LED). Note: Solar lighting will not work with artificial (interior) light.
What are the main components of a solar lighting fixture?
A solar fixture is made up of the following five main components: (1) a solar collector, (2) a control pcboard (circuit board) , (3) a power supply (batteries), (4) a light source (LED) (5) and a photo resistor (photo cell switching device).
What is LED?
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. Unlike conventional lamps, LEDs do not have filaments but work off of a simple electrical current. LED's have different properties than conventional lamps (see below).
How are LEDs measured?
Since LED's do not operate on the same principles of a filament based lamp, LEDs are measured millicandles (mcd) rather than watts, milli-amps (Ma) rather than amps and beam spreads are measured in viewing angles rather than flood or spot categories.
Why use LED lamps?
LED lamps are one of the most efficient forms of light emission. They do not get hot, there is no filament to burn out, the life expectancy is 20x greater than conventional lamps and the current draw is so low that a small solar charge can efficiently activate the LED lamp.
Why is solar lighting part of our future?
Simplicity and convenience. Avoid costly and complicated installations - No wires or transformers!!. Save money on your electricity bill and make a positive contribution to protecting environment by utilizing continuous (renewable) energy such as solar.
What is the difference between 12v and solar lighting?
12v (low voltage) lighting is more efficient than conventional 120v +power but low voltage requires direct electricity and is totally dependent on house hold current. Solar energy, on the other hand is totally self sufficient and is not dependent on municipal energy and does not require a transformer or cable to operate.
What type of light does Solar-Scapes provide?
Generally speaking, there are three types of light- general, ambient and task light. Solar lighting (which is LED based) can be used as a task light (without a diffuser or as an ambient light (without a diffuser). At this time, LED's are not considered "general" light sources. Currently, solar lighting cannot compete with conventional "energy guzzling" products but solar lighting has advanced to levels now considered acceptable for many accent and way-finding applications. Many designers and landscape architects prefer subtle light to overwhelming "hot spots." Our primary lamp is white super lux LED . Solar lighting can be ideal for safety, security, beauty and entertainment- the four ingredients required of outdoor lighting.
Can solar lighting replace conventional fixtures?
Practically speaking, not at this time. However, just like other forms of light (fluorescent, HID, mercury vapor), most outdoor lighting designers will mix various lighting elements depending on specific requirements (i.e. effect, budget, access to power, flexibility, etc.). Solar lighting can provide alternatives and solutions to lighting problems that previously did not exist.
What happens on cloudy days, inclement weather or in geographically and seasonally challenged areas?
Solar lighting is dependent directly on UV (ultra violet) rays. UV rays exist in cloudy weather as well as in sunny conditions. However, the solar collector and battery capacity will absorb and perform best when exposed to direct sunlight. The simple answer is that light output (intensity) can be affected but unless there is no sunlight at all, the solar charge will be active.
Can I place a solar light in a covered deck or patio?
Solar-Scapes solar cells will accept partial ambient light. Although the output may be minimized there should be enough UV rays to stimulate a charge in most outdoor areas.
How many solar collectors can run one fixture?
Theoretically speaking, a large solar collector (panel) can operate several fixtures at a time.
What is the wattage equivalent our solar fixtures?
Solar-Scapes offers many different types of solar fixtures. The most common LED used is equivalent to a 15-20w incandescent lamp. In a dark environment, the beam pattern (without a diffuser) can reach up to 20 ft. The beam pattern with a diffuser is approx. 3 ft wide.
How can I get the most amount of light output?
For optimum results follow these general guidelines- (1) Place fixture or collector in direct sunlight and away from shadows (2) keep dirt and debris off of the collector (3) replace the batteries every year or as needed (4) place fixtures away from other light sources which could interfere with the photo cell or overwhelm the light source.
Why do you need batteries for solar lighting?
Solar fixtures are basically a battery based product. The batteries act as the power supply and energy storage for the LED lamp. Similar to other battery based products, the greater the battery storage the more effective the output.
Why use rechargeable batteries?
In practical terms rechargeable batteries in solar fixtures are ideal since they can be charged over and over again, as they draw energy from the photo-voltaic process (sunlight converting to electricity). There is no need for a separate battery charger.
What is the Solar-Scapes advantage in terms of battery storage?
We use NiMh type batteries. These are more efficient than conventional NiCad batteries and are nonpolluting to the environment (unlike NiCad type). Solar-Scapes provides replacement NiMh batteries.
What is the type of battery used?
We use 1.5 volt AA rechargeable (NiMh) type batteries for most of the Solar-Scapes products.
Do Solar-Scape products carry a UL rating?
Yes. All products that have an electrical charge must have a safety listing.
What maintenance issues are there to consider with solar?
For best results, it is recommended to clean the solar collector when dirty, replace the batteries every year or when needed, check the LED lamp for wear and tear and keep the battery compartment away from water puddles, excessively wet locations and do not allow the fixture to lay on the ground for any period of time. Note: The batteries will most likely need to be changed more frequently in warmer climates as the output and discharge time will be greater than in darker climates where the batteries may not be as active.
What is the Solar Scapes advantage?
Solar-Scapes is one of the first solar manufacturers to provide a comprehensive and quality line of outdoor solar products, provide more efficient battery storage (NiMH) for longer discharge time, incorporate super lux LEDs for greater output and utilize better quality solar cells for optimum output, sensitivity and longevity.
What type of metal is used in our construction process?
Unlike many other solar products, our fixture construction is designed for long term enjoyment. We use a combination of solid brass, stainless steel and galvanized materials (non-ferrous) for use in harsh outdoor conditions.
What is the finish provided?
Our standard finish is bronze. Special order finishes are available. Please consult factory for more information.
What is the temperature rating of our solar products?
minus 10 to 120 degree (F).
How does the solar light turn on and off?
Each solar fixture is equipped with a photo sensor for automatic operation. In addition, many of our products also have an on/off switch for those periods of time when light is not required.
How much time can we expect the light output to last?
Solar-Scapes solar lights are so efficient that most of our products (when properly charged) will last 10-12 hours per night. The output will slowly diminish in the last few hours of operation.
Can we change the color of the solar LED light?
Solar-Scapes provides color options on a majority of our products. This is especially useful in holiday seasons and security applications.
How long does it take to charge up the batteries?
Typically, the batteries will charge within 4-5 hours of direct sunlight.
What to consider when placing solar lights in the outdoor area?
(1) Place the fixture or collector in direct sunlight (2) Place fixtures away from over hanging trees and away from structures that cast shadows (3) Charge battery for 24 - 48 hours for best results (4) Place fixture away from water and/or sprinkles as much as possible. Simply put, solar lights are site sensitive.
What is the expected average life of the batteries, solar collector, LED lamp and fixtures?
Battery life is one year. The solar collector is three years. The LED lamp is three years. The fixture itself is five years.
Who is Solar-Scapes competition?
At this time, there is no real competition for our high quality and broad range of products.
Why is the Solar-Scape cost higher than the common home center solar products?
Like any other product, price is most always contingent upon quality. Solar-Scapes fixture material, solar cell, lamp and battery type is far superior to what is available at any home center. Most home center solar lights will last for only one season.
How can I prevent the solar light from theft?
Solar-scapes provides an optional anti-theft stake that, when installed, is extremely difficult to remove.
What are the replacement options?
Solar-Scapes is one of the few solar companies that provides replaceable components on most of our products.
What is the Solar-Scapes warranty?
Three years (industry average is one year).